Representation for foreign manufacturers
Establishment Importer License
Companies without a physical presence in Thailand must obtain an Establishment Importer License to import medical devices for sale. This license is a critical requirement under the Thailand Medical Device Regulations to ensure compliance with local laws. Key Details About the Establishment Importer License:
- A local agent must hold the Establishment Importer License and have the specialty to cover the intended product’s UMDNS code.
- Multiple agents can represent the same product, offering flexibility to manufacturers seeking market access in Thailand.
By meeting these requirements, manufacturers ensure their medical devices comply with Thailand’s regulatory framework, enabling smooth importation and market distribution.
Additional Regulatory Requirements
Quality and clinical requirements
Compliance with Thailand Medical Device Regulations requires manufacturers to meet specific quality and clinical requirements, depending on the device classification.
Clinical Evaluation Requirements:
- Class I Devices: Exempt from clinical evaluation.
- Class II, III, and IV Devices: A clinical evaluation report must be submitted as part of the regulatory submission process. Based on clinical data, this report ensures the device's safety and effectiveness.
Quality Management System (QMS) Requirements:
Class II, III, and IV Devices must meet the quality and safety standards required by the Thai FDA. Manufacturers must implement a Quality Management System (QMS), such as compliance with ISO 13485 or other country-specific GMP standards.
These requirements are essential for ensuring the safety, performance, and regulatory compliance of medical devices in the Thai market.
Language requirements
How to communicate with the authorities?
The submission documentation can be compiled in the Thai or English language. Home-use medical device labels and package inserts shall be prepared in Thai and may include other languages. A professional-use medical device label must be accompanied by a label in Thai and/or English.
Regulatory timelines and fees
How long does it take to enter
the Thai medical device market?
Fees and timelines required to register a medical device in Thailand can vary significantly depending on various factors, including the complexity of the device, the quality of the documentation submitted, the device's risk class, and the efficiency of the submission process.
Important links and guidance documents
Where to find more information?