Thailand Medical Device Regulations

Medical Device Control Division (MDCD) under the Thai Food and Drug Administration (TFDA)

Regulatory compliance Thailand

Thailand Medical Device Regulations

Thai Food and Drug Administration (TFDA) is the government agency regulating medical devices, including IVDs, in Thailand.  The Medical Device Control Division (MDCD) is the office under TFDA that reviews and approves medical device notifications or licenses.  The submission of technical dossiers shall be prepared according to the harmonized Common Submission Dossier Template (CSDT) guideline.

Medical Devices Act, B.E.2551 (2008) and (No. 2), B.E. 2562 (2019) are the pivotal regulations for medical devices and IVDs. Qserve offers services to comply with the Thailand Medical Device Regulations. Market Access/Thailand Medical Device Regulation.jpg?preset=content

Medical Device Classification in Thailand

Thailand Medical Device Regulations

Thailand's health authority takes a risk-based classification approach for medical devices and IVDs. Devices are categorized into four classes: class I (low-risk and Animal Medical Devices), class II (Low-moderate risk), class III (Moderate-high risk), and class IV (High risk). Class I products shall be listed, class II and III shall be notified, and class IV shall be licensed. 

The classification rules presented in ‘Risk Classification of Non-In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Devices Annexed to the Notification of the Ministry of Public Health Re: Risk Classification of Medical Devices, B.E. 2562 (2019)’ must be followed to classify the medical device in one of these classes to determine a proper registration route. Contact Qserve to follow the regulatory route with Thailand Medical Device Regulations.

Registration routes Thailand

Registration process

Any person who wishes to manufacture or import medical devices for sale to Thailand shall apply for a product registration with the Thai FDA. Three pathways are available: full evaluation, the CONCISE pathway, and the RELIANCE program.

  • The full evaluation is a standard listing, notification, or licensing, depending on the devices' risk classification, as mentioned in the classification section. The Thai FDA has also implemented two additional expedited routes to shorten the review time and accelerate the approval process if certain conditions are met.   
  • The concise pathway is a medical device registration approach that recognizes reference agencies' approval or utilizes the WHO prequalification. 
  • The reliance program is a medical device registration program that relies on approval from the Health Science Authority (HSA) Singapore. 

Global regulatory strategy

Understanding the pros and cons of the various pathways for market access in Thailand is essential to making informed choices. To understand the most feasible and cost-effective approach to enter the Thai market, Qserve can support you in determining your global regulatory strategy.

Free introductory call

Medical Device Registration and IVDs

Our regulatory consulting specialists support market access in the Thai medical device market. Based on your current compliance, we can conduct a gap analysis to determine the overlap and missing elements on how to complete the technical documentation efficiently. Qserve knows the essential requirements to ensure how to achieve regulatory compliance.  

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Qserve services for Thailand

  • Registration support in Thailand
  • Classification assessment
  • Technical documentation
  • Translations of labels and IFUs based on requirements


Representation for foreign manufacturers

Establishment Importer License

Companies without an establishment in Thailand shall apply for an Establishment Importer License. The local agent can be the company that holds the Establishment Importer License with the specialty covering the intended product's UMNDS code. Multiple agents for the same single product are allowed. 

Additional Regulatory Requirements

Quality and clinical requirements

Class I devices are exempted from clinical evaluation, while classes II, III, and IV need to present the clinical evaluation report.

Class II, III, and IV devices must establish a quality management system such as ISO13485 or country-specific GMP.


Do you need assistance with your strategy to comply with Thailand's Medical Device Regulations? 

Qserve is your trusted partner for market access in Thailand.

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Language requirements

How to communicate with the authorities?

The submission documentation can be compiled in the Thai or English language. Home-use medical device labels and package inserts shall be prepared in Thai and may include other languages. A professional-use medical device label must be accompanied by a label in Thai and/or English.

Regulatory timelines and fees

How long does it take to enter
the Thai medical device market? 

Fees and timelines required to register a medical device in Thailand can vary significantly depending on various factors, including the complexity of the device, the quality of the documentation submitted, the device's risk class, and the efficiency of the submission process. 

Important links and guidance documents

Where to find more information?