Medical Device Registration On-Demand webinars

Qserve provides the most efficient market access strategy and supports worldwide medical device registration.

Medical Device Registration in APAC, LATAM and Canada

In addition to the well-known regulatory markets in Europe and the United States, Qserve supports other emerging medical devices and IVD markets. With this Free Webinar Series on Medical Device Registration, our experts from around the globe will represent countries in the Asia-Pacific (APAC), Latin-American (LATAM) countries, and the Canadian market and provide insights with experience from the field. Market Access/asia-pacific-canada-global-reg-banners.jpg?preset=content

Regulatory pathways 

The smartest way to access new medical device markets 

Understanding the pros and cons of the various regulatory pathways for market access is essential to making informed choices to get a product to the market and knowing what is essential to ensure how to comply with all requirements.

Watch our On-Demand webinars to learn more about the regulatory framework in these countries. These webinars have been hosted in 2023-2024 by our regulatory affairs associates.


Topics of the webinar series:

  • Reasons to enter the medical device market in the specific country
  • What does the regulatory process look like?
  • How can you benefit from approval to enter other APAC, LATAM countries, or the Canadian market?
  • What are the main differences between the country-specific requirements and EU/US medical device regulations?
  • What is the overlap, and how can technical documentation efficiently be used in the roadmap?
  • Latest updates on the regulatory developments in the countries.

Asia-Pacific Part 1 | China and Singapore

How to enter the APAC markets and meet regulatory compliance in China and Singapore. Market Access/On-Demand Free Webinar APAC part 1.jpg?preset=content

On-Demand Recording

Asia-Pacific Part 2 | Australia, New Zealand, India, Malaysia

How to enter the APAC markets and meet regulatory compliance in Australia, New Zealand, India and Malaysia. Market Access/On-Demand Free Webinar APAC part 2.jpg?preset=content

On-Demand Recording

Latin-America Part 1 | Brazil and Mexico

How to enter the LATAM markets and meet regulatory compliance in Brazil and Mexico. Market Access/On Demand Free Webinar LATAM Part 1.jpg?preset=content

On-Demand Recording

Latin-America Part 2 | Colombia and Argentina

How to enter the LATAM markets and meet regulatory compliance in Colombia and Argentina. Market Access/On-Demand Free Webinar LATAM Part 2.jpg?preset=content

On-Demand Recording


How to enter the Canadian market and meet regulatory compliance in Canada. Market Access/ondemandMedical-Device-Registration-canada.jpg?preset=content

On-Demand Recording

Medical Device Registration Support

Benefit from our worldwide regulatory proficiency and tap into local expertise worldwide. We possess a comprehensive understanding of national regulations and their intersections. From the initial concept to achieving global market access, we're dedicated to crafting your global strategy.

Do you need assistance with your regulatory strategy and medical device registration? Qserve is your trusted partner for worldwide market access. Together, we can chart a course towards the best strategy and a roadmap that delivers results.