Martin de Bruin, MSc

Martin de Bruin, MSc

Executive Director & Partner
Commercial Director  

At Qserve, Martin is responsible for the commercial activities, including the launch of the first MDR-app. Together with Gert Bos he drives the roadmap to EU-MDR implementation, where medical device manufacturers around Europe follow a monthly workshop to get trained on the EU-MDR.

Martin has 23 years experience in pharma and medical devices, as product manager, auditor, technical reviewer, sales, and account manager.

Martin holds a degree in polymer chemistry, he has dealt as Notified Body technical reviewer & auditor with a large range of devices mostly in the non-active device area (leads, implants, borderline products), in cardiovascular, ophthalmic and wound care fields.

He also holds an MBA, focusing on marketing, and he has executed this combination in various marketing & technical sales roles. Martin combines knowledge of regulations worldwide with pragmatic sales and account management.    

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